Event Details

This webinar kindly sponsored by M devices will focus on complex catheter management including tips and tricks for managing suprapubic catheters (SPC), showcasing the latest products in the field, and emphasizing the significance of detailed referrals to the community. This could be a great opportunity for urology nurses to enhance their knowledge and skills in this area.


18:30 - 18:35
Mel Caruso ANZUNS Vice president
18:35 - 18:45
Presentation by M Devices
18:45 - 19:15
Complex catheter management- tips and tricks for managing SPCโ€™s
Luke Derriman- Urology Nurse Practitioner Alfred Health

Complex catheter management- tips and tricks for managing SPC’s
19:15 - 19:45
Importance of community referrals- what all urology nurses need to know
Lisa Wragg- Director of Continence First and Nurses Know How

Importance of community referrals- what all urology nurses need to know
19:45 - 20:00
Questions and closing remarks
Questions and closing remarks


  • LD

    Luke Derriman

    Luke is a Nurse Practitioner and has been working within the Urology unit at The Alfred Hospital for the past 20 years. He is known to most of us here today after being an active member of both ANZUNS Vic Section (VUNS) and CoNSA during his career serving on both executive panels.

    He is a generalist Urology Nurse Practitioner and has many years’ experience in dealing with troublesome catheters which is what he will be discussing today.

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  • LW

    Lisa Wragg

    Lisa Wragg is the Director and Founder of Continence First and Nurses Know How which is the culmination of 35 years’ experience working as a passionate Nurse Continence Specialist (NCS) across a myriad of health care settings, liberating people from the embarrassment, shame and isolation caused by bladder and bowel incontinence.

    Lisa has a wealth of practical experience as a NCS, enabling her to provide expert independent medico-legal examinations and reports in this field. She was instrumental in the development and implementation of the National Continence Helpline, the initiation of the Victorian Continence Resource Centre NDIS Continence Service and the roll out of a National Clinical Continence Strategy for a large not for profit medical supply organisation.

    She has contributed extensively to this area of medicine, authoring multiple publications and chairing multiple advisory groups relating to the development and review of continence resource information, online education programs, credentialing and customer care service delivery models for continence and urological care.

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